Become a partner of the XV SIMPOSIO!
Learn how your company may contribute and obtain important visibility at the XV SIMPOSIO.
Throughout its 30-year history, the SIMPOSIO, organized by the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy (SNMPE), has gathered in every edition executives, managers of mining companies, investors, and leaders of the industry to analyze the challenges facing this industry and its contributions.
This gathering of the most important representatives of the mining industry presents itself as a great opportunity of brand visibility for many companies, institutions and domestic and international organizations, which through their sponsorship and collaboration help us to continue developing this space for discussion and analysis, which in turn allows making crucial decisions regarding the progress of mining for our society and country.
The SIMPOSIO offers its members important benefits, including the opportunity to interact with the main players of the mining industry; to promote their positioning by participating in activities and meetings before, during and after the event; and to establish contact with executives, investors and industry leaders, among many other benefits.
SNMPE invites all those institutions interested in joining this great event to do so through its various investment opportunities. Also, we would like to thank the following companies and institutions that are collaborating in carrying out the XV SIMPOSIO:
Anniversary Partner
- Ferreyros
Main Partner
- SouthernPerú
- AngloAmerican
- Antamina
- Barrick Perú
- Compañía de Minas Buenaventura
- Compañía Minera Condestable
- Gold Fields
- Minsur
- Compañía Minera Poderosa
- Minera Boroo
- Cerro Verde
- Hochschild
- Compañía Minera Antapaccay
- Zuzunaga, Assereto & Zegarra Abogados
Strategic Partners
- AmCham Perú (US Chamber of Commerce in Peru)
- Brazilian Embassy
Colaboración institucional
- Canadian Embassy
If you wish to be a partner of the XV SIMPOSIO and learn about the different investment opportunities, please click here or contact us at gestion-simposio@snmpe.org.pe.