Learn about the history of the SYMPOSIUM along with its Past Presidents
Discover the challenges and milestones of previous editions of the SNMPE’s flagship event in this video.
In May 2024, the SYMPOSIUM – 15th International Mining Meeting, organized by the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy (SNMPE) will celebrate 30 years of history, contributing and promoting the potential of the mining industry of our country in order to position it as an investment destination to the world.
The first edition of the international event was held in 1994, under the name “International Gold Symposium”. That occasion marked a before and an after for Peruvian mining, since it took place during a complex context for the country where not many mining events were held.
In addition, the beginning of Yanacocha’s operations in 1993 was a landmark in the growth of the sector and of the national economy. In this context, the event was presented as an opportunity to discuss, analyze, and promote the country’s mining projects portfolio.
Due to the success of the first “International Gold Symposium”, a decision to analyze the importance of other metals such as silver and copper was taken so starting in 2010, in silver was included, and in 2022 copper was included. This year, the 15th SYMPOSIUM will analyze the mining industry as a whole, due to all the contributions this sector brings to Peru.
Learn more about the history of the SYMPOSIUM in the following video: